Learning Mafia Wars Secrets

By Neil Holloway

It is important as you build your Mafia family to make sure you place your best family members in key positions that will advance both yourself and the entire team. Remember these different positions are not for the newest players in your Mafia family but are for your best players. Ask your best players to work together and increased results and money will be grow for everyone. Let me share with you six key positions that will help your Mob family.

Mastermind - Ask your best family member that has completed already the most jobs as you select your new Mastermind. This will give this key player even more experience from doing new jobs. Your officially newly named Mastermind will gain a large advantage of gaining up to 50% more experience when performing new jobs for your growing Mafia family.

Wheelman - As you select this key position make sure to find a successful member with the Fearless character type along with a high level to promote to Wheelman so that this player can get a reduced energy cost for key jobs. This new Wheelman gains a small chance to perform jobs for no energy whatsoever.

Button Man - This is a brand new position that needs to be filled the right way. Start by finding a key member with the specific Maniac character type including a higher level to promote. Do this so they can receive an Attack bonus. Your new Button Man in your family will gain a small chance to win fights as they start them.

Bodyguard - If you are wanting to have a huge Defense bonus you need to find the perfect member that has a large amount of successful fights under their belt and promote to Bodyguard. This will allow your new Bodyguard a huge chance to always win fights when they are attacked.

Safecracker - Find your favorite family member that has several successful heists accomplished already to Safecracker. This move will allow them to get more money from both fighting and robbing. This new Safecracker gains a greater ability to gain double the money while they are fighting and robbing.

Bagman - Continuing to assign and fill important positions you now need to find the key character with a high Mogul character type and promote this person to Bagman which opens up more money in jobs. By doing this move your Bagman will increase his ability greatly to double the money he earns while doing new jobs. - 29943

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