The thought of being able to order anything you want from the universe and actually getting it, is something more and more people are thinking about. Quite understandable really when one considers the sharp increase in the amount of publicity cosmic ordering has enjoyed recently.
It seems that everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon now that so many celebrities are vouching for it. The question remains though, what are your chances of success as an average person?
In fact theoretically it works for everyone, but people who have not been successful do not realize that they are subconsciously sabotaging their cosmic order. You see whatever you think will happen really does happen!
The cosmic ordering service allows you to have anything you desire. This is of course something with which some people disagree, saying they have never had the desire to be ill or to become seriously injured for example and yes, they are absolutely right.
The problem is that they believed it would happen. The Universe doesn't understand negatives. If you say you don't want to be poor, it doesn't hear the word don't, it just hears the words want and poor. You focus on the poverty in this case.
You should aim to seek desires from a more positive aspect so, instead of what you don't want, rather desire what you do want. For example, you could say, I'm so healthy it's of little wonder that I never get ill.
Perhaps you have failed here as well and if so, you're not alone. Many people who attempt this, tend to affirm how they are at present, instead of how they could be with a little help from the universe. When you make affirmations, think to the future and how perfect it can be, rather than dwell on the imperfect present moment.
Life brings to us the belief systems of others. The kids in the third grade that teased you because you were fat, skinny, had glasses or didn't wear the best clothes changed the belief that you have for yourself.
When children ask us for things, we often reprimand them, saying it's bad to always ask. If they receive a lot of goods, we tell them it's bad and that they are being spoilt. The truth is though; children should be brought up believing they can have everything they want because they deserve it.
This is all wrong. There is more than enough for everyone. The fact that you exist means you're allowed to order. You cannot take from others. This actually negates the system.
If you believe there's not enough for you, beware, because this in itself is channelling negative desire. Don't desire what another has, as this could be interpreted as meaning you don't have enough, another negative channel. Instead, be happy for those who have plenty and simply remind yourself, there is enough for everyone.
The human brain can move a quark, the smallest particle we know of, simply by sending out waves of energy. This is not theory, but rather a fact which has been proven by modern science. Positive thinking releases positive energy and positive energy, gets positive results.
Changing the way we think and the way in which we have been schooled to believe, is by no means easy but it can be done. Admittedly, in order to tackle this immense task, you'll need all the tools you can find.
There are numerous tools but two which always spring to mind, are self-hypnosis and subliminal suggestion. Both these powerful tools avoid interference from the logical processes of our brain and instead, they go to work on our subconscious minds, the area in which our beliefs are embedded.
You need to believe that the cosmic ordering service can and does work, and you need to believe that as a human being, you can control your future and determine your own happy destiny. - 29943
It seems that everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon now that so many celebrities are vouching for it. The question remains though, what are your chances of success as an average person?
In fact theoretically it works for everyone, but people who have not been successful do not realize that they are subconsciously sabotaging their cosmic order. You see whatever you think will happen really does happen!
The cosmic ordering service allows you to have anything you desire. This is of course something with which some people disagree, saying they have never had the desire to be ill or to become seriously injured for example and yes, they are absolutely right.
The problem is that they believed it would happen. The Universe doesn't understand negatives. If you say you don't want to be poor, it doesn't hear the word don't, it just hears the words want and poor. You focus on the poverty in this case.
You should aim to seek desires from a more positive aspect so, instead of what you don't want, rather desire what you do want. For example, you could say, I'm so healthy it's of little wonder that I never get ill.
Perhaps you have failed here as well and if so, you're not alone. Many people who attempt this, tend to affirm how they are at present, instead of how they could be with a little help from the universe. When you make affirmations, think to the future and how perfect it can be, rather than dwell on the imperfect present moment.
Life brings to us the belief systems of others. The kids in the third grade that teased you because you were fat, skinny, had glasses or didn't wear the best clothes changed the belief that you have for yourself.
When children ask us for things, we often reprimand them, saying it's bad to always ask. If they receive a lot of goods, we tell them it's bad and that they are being spoilt. The truth is though; children should be brought up believing they can have everything they want because they deserve it.
This is all wrong. There is more than enough for everyone. The fact that you exist means you're allowed to order. You cannot take from others. This actually negates the system.
If you believe there's not enough for you, beware, because this in itself is channelling negative desire. Don't desire what another has, as this could be interpreted as meaning you don't have enough, another negative channel. Instead, be happy for those who have plenty and simply remind yourself, there is enough for everyone.
The human brain can move a quark, the smallest particle we know of, simply by sending out waves of energy. This is not theory, but rather a fact which has been proven by modern science. Positive thinking releases positive energy and positive energy, gets positive results.
Changing the way we think and the way in which we have been schooled to believe, is by no means easy but it can be done. Admittedly, in order to tackle this immense task, you'll need all the tools you can find.
There are numerous tools but two which always spring to mind, are self-hypnosis and subliminal suggestion. Both these powerful tools avoid interference from the logical processes of our brain and instead, they go to work on our subconscious minds, the area in which our beliefs are embedded.
You need to believe that the cosmic ordering service can and does work, and you need to believe that as a human being, you can control your future and determine your own happy destiny. - 29943
About the Author:
The author Gina Daad is one of the writers for the popular website. You can find out how easy it really is to be successful at cosmic ordering Service when you visit this site. Change your life forever with a huge collection of cosmic ordering binaural beats, hypnosis and affirmations Audios.